Goodbye 2019
My year in pictures.

I don't normally post stuff like this but I've just been reorganising my photo folders and thought I'd grab one picture from each notable thing I did in 2019...
February saw a trip to LA. I didn't take a proper camera with me, but I did snap this with my phone from the breakfast room at the London Hotel.

In April we spent a few days in Grindelwald, Switzerland. This first picture was taken on the train from Zurich:

I haven't been in the mountains for years but I need to spend more time there, it's just great for the soul:

We try to spend some time in Cambridge whenever we can and this year we found a hotel with the most interestingly appointed bathroom I've come across:

The light on this trip was amazing:

There were several trips to the Suffolk coast this year, mostly to research the Whisperer In Darkness podcast. Here's an old boat on the beach at Aldeburgh:

And while I'm at it, a shot of my office whiteboard from that period (may contain mild spoilers if you haven't heard the show):

Still in my office, I took some pictures for a piece on my workplace for Warren Ellis's newsletter. This one shows the Hermes 3000 typewriter. This and a Baby Hermes have been my stalwarts for journaling and notes this year:

Spain in the summer. Madrid for a few days:

And then Barcelona:

And then it was back to England and settling in to finish up the Whisperer In Darkness scripts and then down to Lewes in Sussex to record the show:

2019 had some seriously sucky elements, both personally and globally, but it also had its highpoints. I'm off to LA next week for meetings and I'm taking an old 1973 Hasselblad with me with a vague idea of making a photobook...
Happy 2020.