A really useful Ulysses course
A really great course that finally persuaded me to make Ulysses part of my toolkit.

I have gone back and forth on Ulysses a lot over the past few years. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I ditch it in favour of IA Writer or even Bear. But it's always lurking there and each time the company that makes it sends out an email update, I find myself re-exploring it again. Somehow, though, I have never quite got to grips with it, or at least I have never quite managed to make it feel right for me.
But yesterday, I got an email from The Sweet Setup, announcing that Shawn Blanc had done a full Ulysses tutorial course and it's available for a $99. I would not usually pay for a course on something that I ought to be perfectly capable of working out on my own, but I like the guys at The Sweet Setup, I have always found their blog and newsletters helpful, and I figure that just maybe this might be the course that would turn me into a happier user of Ulysses.
Well, lo and behold, I've spent a chunk of today doing the course and I really do think I get it now in a way I never quite had before. I've rearranged by groups into something that actually makes sense, I've set up keywords and filters to immediately push to the front the things that I'm supposed to be working on, and I have experimented with moving outline documents between Ulysses and MindNode (AMAZING).
So, if you have found yourself scratching your head over Ulysses and therefore think this course could be helpful, head on over to https://thesweetsetup.com/ulysses/