Morning Pages

I note this morning that have released a beta version of an iOS app. I'm still not convinced about Mem but I'm pleased that they are iterating and I hope it turns into something I can find a use for. What they are working towards is a version of Jarvis from Iron Man, and that is a wholly worthwhile goal.

This morning, to ring the changes, I boxed up my Code Keyboard and plugged in the Moonlander. I haven't used this for a few months, but I'm pleased that my hands haven't completely forgotten what they are supposed to be doing.

I've also been playing with a new macro lens from Moment, who make incredibly high-quality lenses for smart phones. I already had their gold flare anamorphic lens, which is amazing for video. I've not done much macro photography, but I'm interested to play around and see the world in a new way.

A random hosing of links today, culled over the weekend and saved into Raindrop:

Majestic Photos Capture the Dwindling Population of Madagascar's Ancient Baobab Trees

Illustrator Tomekah George on setting up a studio that promotes black artists

The Daring Criminal Swordswoman Who Became an Opera Star!

Where the Harlem Renaissance Got Its Swing

Art Nouveau's Obsession with the Peacock

The Storytelling Computer

Imaginative Doodles by Vincent Bal Recast Shadows as Witty Illustrations

Tim Ferris’ Six Principles for A Choice-Minimal Lifestyle

Have a good Tuesday.