
Taking a dive into Cryptoland this morning. What is Cryptoland, you ask? Well this piece from engineer Molly White was my introduction to it. As far as I can tell, someone is attempting to create actual Hell on Earth and then sell bits of it to overcompensating white men. The video (since removed by the Cryptoland people, but available at the top of Molly White's piece) is really quite something. Hold out for the animated section which is... Well, I don't want to spoil it.

The Financial Times has picked up the story here and then followed it up with Cryptoland Fights Back, which is a piece about various bogus-looking cease and desist orders that the founders have sent out.

None of this is to rag unnecessarily on the potentially interesting blockchain technology, but it is worth glimpsing the type of people who seem to be the early-adopters in this Brave New World.

Sticking with Molly White for a moment, her piece "It's not still the early days" is really worth a few minutes of your time.